Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Little News Here and There

 Hullo lovely readers,

I hope this finds you well.

Scroll down for book news but first here's a picture from a recent walk: 

I've said it before and I'm saying it again, I'm going to do more with this blog. Now that it's in print I can be held accountable to it. Why haven't I published more often? Well, there are a variety of reasons. Some of them are practical. We've had A LOT going on this last year. 

My fiance and I just bought a house! The housing market in Maine's all kinds of crazy but we wanted to stop renting and we've found a lovely place to call home. What does that mean? I'll be getting a cat! HA. 

And it means a lot of other things. I've been busy with all of that though. The next couple of weeks I'll be packing away wondering how I have so much. stuff. If I post any pics it'll be of moving boxes.

Another reason I don't post to the blog is probably a lack of confidence. What can I say here? Does anyone want to read it? It's time to start writing though. Interacting with my readers is one of my FAVORITE things, so you'll be seeing more of me around here going forward. Feel free to comment and say hello : ) 

Here's another recent walk picture: 

What comes next? Spiral of Gold, book three in the spiral series, is on the way and more stories after that. There's also some exciting news coming at some point this fall that I'm hoping will be a big surprise and good news if you enjoy my writing.

Happy reading,



  1. Yay! You get a cat. �� Even if I only read this blog keep it up. Moving is stressful and just babbling or venting about that might save your fiancé. The pics you took are beautiful and I’m so excited for the next book. Have a great and wonderful day.

    1. I'm SO excited about the cat! Haha, thanks I'd like to keep blogging! There should be more venting about moving, because it's the worst. It sounds like you speak from experience, so I hope you're happily settled somewhere now. I can't wait to be as well! Have a great day too and enjoy the last days of August :)
