Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Elemental Dawn is Live!!

Here we go :-) Can't wait for you all to read it! I'm so excited. Also, usually I take a break in between books (you may have noticed), but I am shooting for a June 1 release date for the next one . . . it will therefore probably be a little after June 1 :/ but hopefully not much! Happy reading lovely readers:-)


Sunday, April 14, 2013


I will post a link to Elemental Dawn on Amazon when I find it!! So excited for you all to read it. Thanks so much for all your support! You've been wonderful! I will also have a bit of other exciting news when I post the link, so look forward to that AND here is my review of a book I just loved!

Oracle of Philadelphia by Elizabeth Corrigan:

I'll be upfront about it, I loved Oracle of Philadelphia. I was a little nervous when I heard the storyline, because I have read a lot of angel/demon books and I was not sure Oracle of Philadelphia could give a fresh take while still respecting the myths, but Corrigan did a truly excellent job alleviating my fears. Really, the novel could have been longer and gone into more depth.

What I liked best were the characters. I tend to admire authors, Samantha Young is one, who draw wonderful characters. I am now adding Corrigan to that category, because she develops her characters carefully and thoroughly, until they are clearly drawn. Each character's personality is slowly revealed through dialogue and action. Corrigan also handled pacing, the development of events, and the revealing of information in such a way that I could not put the book down. There is a lot going on in this story and it would be so easy to lose a handle on all the threads. Here is what I mean: Carrie is the Oracle and gives advice, she has a complicated history as to why she chooses to help the advice seekers that she does, she may or may not be in love with an angel who may or may not love her back (swoon), and she has to make frequent treks to hell. All of those strands could get muddled and lost if the story were not in the capable hands (fingers?) of Corrigan, who weaves the different parts seamlessly together. In the same vain, I also tend not to like books where the plot jumps back and forth, but again, that aspect worked seamlessly here. In other news, I love Bedlam. Like, a lot, so there's that.

Did I get a free review copy?
Will I be reading more?
You Betcha.
Should Elizabeth Corrigan write fast and publish number 2?
Well, since you asked . . . yes!
Is this review cross-posted on my blog?
Did I read this in a day/am I glad I spent the money?
Yes and yes.