Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Museum of Masks Synopsis

Here we are.

Charlotte returns to Paranormal Public for her second semester knowing that she must embrace yet another new destiny.
She wasn’t expecting it to be easy, and it isn’t.
Now, demons beat at the protections surrounding Public, and inside the safety of the grounds is a new threat, an ancient resentment that has nothing to do with demons, but is born of a much more personal pain.
Luckily, she isn’t the target. 
Or is she? 
Now, she and her friends must stand together to protect each other, even if they don’t know why... until it’s too late.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Samantha Young reviewed One Black Rose. :-)

I posted this to my Facebook Page and now here it is on the blog. Made my week. So happy.

Samantha's books are some of my favorite, thus the happy dance when she did a review. If you haven't read anything of hers you definitely need to check her out. First books in her series are Moon Spell, Slumber, Blood Will Tell, and Smokeless Fire, start with one, then read the rest. And yeah, I know those off the top of my head, because I've read all of her books multiple times. :-)

Friday, February 24, 2012


I have uploaded Autumn. VERY excited about it. Can't wait for it to go live. As I'm sure a lot of you know, it will take up to 24 hours for it to appear in the Kindle store, so sometime tomorrow. :-) I just want to thank everyone who has enjoyed the series. Getting messages from readers makes me soooo happy. I really appreciate it. :-)


Saturday, February 18, 2012

One Black Rose Book 3

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that I am planning on releasing the third book in the One Black Rose Series, Autumn, next week. I've been getting questions about it, so I'm happy to tell you that it's coming soon. :-)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi Everyone,
In honor of Valentine's day I am making One Black Rose free on Kindle for the next four days, starting Wednesday morning. I hope it gives you a nice boost to your midweek and I hope you all are having a wonderful Valentine's Day. :-)


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Paranormal Public Sequel!

I have landed on a title for the sequel to Paranormal Public. It's something that has interested me for a long time, possibly because of my history major background. That's right, in college I was an American history major and I loooovvveedd it. 

Anyway. :)

I am planning on calling the sequel "Museum of Masks." Of course, nothing is set in stone until I publish the book, but I thought I would give you guys an update in the meantime. I'm pretty excited about it. "Museum of Masks" is going to take place over Charlotte, Lisabelle, Sip and co's, second semester at Public. 

Now, to your question about when the lovely-titled "Museum of Masks" is coming out. Well, I am very sorry to say (especially to Courtney) that it will not be out this month, but I am hoping for either March or April. As usual, when I have a clearer idea I will update you. 

Lastly, it is my plan to release the synopsis and excerpts once the book is a bit more complete, so be sure to check those out! Thank you so much for the delightful response I've gotten from all of you. It's been truly wonderful.
